The gift of health. I feel like every morning I awake to a different guest or mood. Somedays getting out of bed presents a sense of happiness. Other days I may feel anxious, calm, tired, full of energy, sad, or drained. Each day I am greeted by one or more of those guests. What I have taken for granted though is the simple gift of being able to swing both legs over the bed and stand. The gift of just coming out of a warm bed, that for the most part gave me a restful sleep. Sometimes, I am so tuned in to the guests arrival I forget the gift of health. Recently, I hurt my back and was elated that it wasn't too bad but just bad enough to bring awareness to how fortunate I am to have a body that allows me to do all of activities I enjoy and even some that I do not. I was able to rehab my back pretty quickly with a whole lot of love and attention. Then today I woke up coughing feeling as if I didn't even have the energy to swing my legs out of bed. My chest felt tight, my head was a dead painful weight, and my eyes did not want to open. I had an obligation so I got up and realized my body was putting up a fight for rest. There it body is telling me to rest in a way that I am unable to argue. Tears fill my eyes (probably because I feel like crap) and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this body whom calibrates for me daily. Whom allows me to experience life with a steady cadence and who reminds me that I must recharge even if the list is long and the ambition is much. Today, I yield to you body and I thank you for all that you do. You deserve to be treated well :).
How often do you take for granted the simplicity of being able to get out of bed?
...the trail an open heart leaves... "Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -unknown